Terms and agreement

General terms and conditions of use

The object of the presents Generals Conditions is to regulate the terms and conditions of use in the web page “https://www.womensecretsonline.com/” (from now on “the web”), where the holder is Women secrets online

  1. Access conditions.

    The purpose of this web is to provide information on our services. Its use implies the full acceptance of these conditions by the user, so if you do not agree with their content you must abstain from using the web, as well as from the services it supplies. Women secrets online reserves the right to make the modifications it deems necessary. It is also able to modify, remove or include, without prior notice, new contents and/or services, as well as the way they are presented and localized, and the conditions of the website use.

    The User accepts that his access and use of the web and of its contents, is free and deliberately, on his ow responsibility, and consequently he undertakes to:

    • Not to use the web to carry out activities which are contrary to law, to the moral, to the public order, in general, and to make a lawful and honest use in accordance with these General Conditions, as well as not to undertake any act that might damage, render useless, overload or deteriorate the web and/or impede the normal use by the rest of Users.
    • Not to manipulate or alter any web content without the written and explicit approval of the owner. Any alteration, change or manipulation without the owner’s approval, relieve him from any responsibility.
    • Not to reproduce, copy, distribute, publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the required authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or in the case that it is legally permitted. Not to remove, evade or manipulate the Copyright and the other identifying information of woman secrets online rights or of its owners included in the contents, as well as the technical protection devices, or whatever information mechanisms that could contain the above-mentioned contents.
    • Not to introduce or disseminate the web data programs (virus or any kind of hazardous software) that can damage the web.

    Women secrets online does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the web, neither be held responsible of any damage or injury that can occur, nor of the technical effects, included virus or other injurious elements, whatever its nature, derived from the information use and the material contained in the web.

  2. Use of cookies.

    Women secrets online does not use cookies to gather information of users; neither registers the IP address of access. It only use its own session cookies, with a technical purpose (those ones which allow the user to surf the web site and to use the different options and services existing in it)

  3. Responsibilities.

    The user will be answerable for the damages and injuries of all types that Women secrets online or any third party may incur consequently to the non-observance of anyone of the obligations he is subjected by these General Conditions.

    Women secrets online does not assume any responsibilities, neither monitors the possible hyperlinks to external contents contained in the web; nonetheless, it will remove those links containing illegal contents as soon as it will be aware of it.

  4. Intellectual and Industrial property.

    The User recognize that all the web contents and, in particular, of all the information and material, the structure, selection, management and provision of contents, programs and the development of applications used in relation to them, are protected by property rights of the web owner or, if necessary, of third party.

    In no case, the access to the same or its use by the User will involve any kind of resignation, transmission or full or partial transfer of those rights; neither gives no right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, diffusion or public communication on these contents without the written and explicit approval granted for this purpose by Women secrets online or a third owner of the affected rights.

    Women secrets online is the owner of the elements composing the web graphic design, the menus, buttons of web navigation, the code, the texts, imagines, textures, graphics and any other web content of the page or, in other cases, provide the corresponding authorization for using these elements

    All brands, commercial names or distinctive signs shown in this page are property of Women secrets online and/or third party. It is forbidden to use or to download permanently them, copying or distributing them through whatever media without the perceptive approval of its owners.

    In case any user or a third party consider that a content have been introduced into the web by violating one of its intellectual or Industrial Properties rights, will have to send a notification to Women secrets online, identifying himself and owner of the intellectual and industrial property rights, supposedly violated, providing a title or an accreditation in representation of the mentioned rights.

  5. Data protection.

    For further information, visit our Privacy Policy.